Saturday 2 March 2024

Statement of Intent Draft

Product 1

 For my music video, I intend to create a video which explores themes of heartbreak and derealisation through the media language which reflects the lyrics in the song "Wait A Minute!" by Willow Smith (Andrew Goodwin), targeting my 16-25 year old upmarket media literate audience. After researching Beggars Group, I intend to use actors/actresses who represent a celebration of culture, as the independent label often have diverse artists with evident values and ideologies (Richard Dyer star persona). 

As an independent label, production would not look too flamboyant or high budget, so the mise-en-scene is minimal, and I intend to use overlays in post-production. The overlays will connote the theme of restrospection and derealisation, appearing as memories from the past.

I would like to make intertextual references to cultural texts that my audience would likely be familiar with. The show "Euphoria", for example, has the same audience demographic and has similar themes that I want to present in the music video. This not only consolidates my artist's star persona but allows them to target their audience to meet the demands of the record label. The song lyrics intertextually references "Avatar", so the composition of the wide shot with the two main actors will mirror this, as well as animated cutouts which act as easter eggs for the website to display the importance of digital convergence as an artist. 

Product 2

 I intend to create a website which emphasises Krystal's star persona. The images and colour palette will be earthly to connote her grounded, girl-next-door personality. My two main pages will be my homepage and my videos page. I am determined to ensure that the website has good accessibility and is interactive to attract my 18-25 year old audience who would be digitally proficient. My research found that this audience's psychographics lead them to prefer authenticity, so Krystal's image will be pinned on this. 

Krystal, as her persona is a commodity in the music industry (Dyer), is a relatable and inspirational individual. Her values will be health consciousness, progressiveness, environmentalism, caring for others and diversity. This is to be reflected in her website using hyperlinks to websites such as one for helplines, which demonstrates a more personal relationship with her fans, rather than being explicitly profit driven, thus appearing more authentic. Essentially, her values align with and inspire her audience.

Nevertheless, as an artist with an independent label, the merchandise, tour dates and collaborations highlights her commercial imperative.


In order to display digital convergence, I intend to put the link to my website and social medias at the end of the music video. Likewise, my website will host the video through YouTube, and will include links to platforms which my audience would likely have e.g Spotify. The earth toned colour palette will be an identifiable house style across my video and website. My second audiovisual will be a Behind The Scenes Vlog, which is popular amongst my audience.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Interactivity and Easter eggs in my website

I have incorporated interactivity on my website to highlight how music artists use convergence.


1. a Lightbox which allows fans to signup to a newsletter

2. A quiz for avid fans

Music page:

Clicking the bird on the corner of the music video encourages fans to share their favourite movie on twitter.

 the left cutout (pictured above) of Krystal links to She mentions in the 2nd audiovisual that she meditates - reinforcing her grounded star identity.

The Purdey's bottle opens a Lightbox when clicked which allows the user to tweet the timestamp where Purdey's is featured in the video. The drink brand has health focused ideologies which aligns with Krystal's persona.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Music Video Intertextuality

 Mid 90s - coming of age film about skating, lots of miss-en-scene to reflect the film in my music video

Euphoria - a long form tv drama which tackles the complex issues of growing up such as relationships, derealisation and many other shared themes of the music video. The target audience for this music video and euphoria are the same. 

P.s. I Love You - a movie based on a book which deals with themes of letting go of love; the same can be said for the music video's overarching theme

Avatar - the song intertextually references Avatar in the line "ooel ngi kamei", so the mise-en-scne is willow trees, often seen in the original Avatar

Statement of Intent Draft

Product 1  For my music video, I intend to create a video which explores themes of heartbreak and derealisation through the media language w...